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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Kena follow

This is a story which happened yesterday.

Was in the car, heading back our home. Time: 11.00++ p.m

There's 5 of us-LADIES in the car.

While turning into the junction of our house, I saw there's this car behind us. The car's headlight was off. Suddenly it's on. Then off. And on.

The car followed us so close at behind. Checked our car's light-it's turned on. Petrol tank's lid is closed.

There seems nothing wrong with our car.

Then we started to slow down our car and keep at the left lane. 

That car did the same.

Sensed something not right and we decide to take another turn to avoid that car.

Luckily, that car do not follow us anymore.


We are so panicked that we thought that car behind wana rob us.

Too many robbery cases in the newspaper these days!!

Thanks God. Nothing happened and we safely reached home.

The moral of the story is:

Always be alert while you're driving. Check the mirrors and see if there's anything amiss.

Love, Color.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dashes of Pastel colours!

 A quick post before I leave the office! 

It's been awhile no post on fashion here...

Colours have been my favourite all these long, I mean if you were to ask me what's my favourite colour, I can't choose any.

All colours are beautiful in it's way :)

People say colours reflect our personality.

I guess I have multiples personalities?  :P


Love, Color.

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