But it's a great day tho...
I get a pair of new blue shoe!!!
FYI, all my shoes are worn out..means koyak and can't use it anymore...and my BELOVED BLUE SHOES spoils also!!!
I miss my blue shoe =(
All my shoes gone and I only left with a pair of toilet slipper and sneaker. Seriously. =(
I wanted to get new pair of shoes...but because of some problem, I can't get new shoes..until yesterday. Thanks alot to my dear Maria, haha...(Mei Ting)
She bought me a new pair of blue shoe...Well it's two pair of shoes actually. And tell you what. It only cost me RM30 for TWO pairs!!
Another pair...WHITE one!!
^-^ happy~~
Yup, these 2 pairs only cost RM30!
And there's another one!
Black high heels~~
Erm, this high lor...haha... =p
Actually, I've been 'tegur' by my senior few times...saying why can't you wear properly?? why can't you wear a cover shoes? why this and that....
I had my own reasons okaaaay.... It's not that I purposely do it...
And he's the type of person who say without thinking it first. Well, I mean that he just straight away shoot people...he need to change..seriously.
Hope that he read this...
Love, Color.
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