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Friday, June 11, 2010

Recycling Rally

Go Green-Save the world.

This is one of the initiative done by my uni in creating awareness among the UPMers (staffs and students)

10th June 2010 is a date to remember as it's a step taken by the uni's admin in saving our environment, our world.

This program is called "Recycling Rally" and it has attracted around 100 staffs to participate.

There were performances by the Yayasan Anak Warisan Alam where they use recyclable items such as wok, dustbin, aluminium can and bottle's cap to play music. =)

Besides, there were also some other booth by Tupperware, Fuji Xerox, Putra FM and etc.....

The thing I remember the most is this video. It's prepared by the BKK of UPM. 

It really makes me wonder. How our world would be in 10 more years?

If we keep on ignoring our sick mother earth...cutting down the trees-causing the wildlife lost their habitat, pollutions,  illegal hunting and the list goes on....

Would our children have the chance to enjoy what we have now?

Let's think about this......

Some pics that I've taken today:

the instruments that they used to play music

booth selling environment friendly items... 

nice flower chocolate.


lovely cup cakes~~ <3

and again...cupcakes =)

chocolate cake!!!

side view... it's just so niceeee~~~~

recyclable bag by Fuji Xerox. Love the tagline 'Let's Green It!'

Looking forward for more environment campaign/movement/activities.

If we want to save our world, then we need to start it with ourself.

Love, Color.


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